Its eclipse season again! This next round starts off with the full moon lunar eclipse that peaks at approximately 2:13pm EST on Thursday, December 31 (New Years Eve).
Eclipses usually occur two weeks apart from each other twice per year. Each series typically includes a lunar eclipse followed by a solar eclipse or vice versa. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is partially blocking the moon from the sun during a full moon. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon blocks the sun from the Earth during a new moon. Full moons and new moons represent astrologically potent time periods anyway, but the eclipses just add some amplification and usually a little dose of the unexpected!
Astrologically speaking, new moons are generally a time of sowing seeds while full moons are a time of reaping what we sow. Where a new moon falls in our personal natal chart represents a time of new beginnings and laying new foundations in the parts of our lives represented by the astrological house that is highlighted. Where a full moon falls in our personal natal chart represents a time of sudden awareness, revelation, culmination and completion in the parts of our lives represented by the astrological house that is highlighted. Eclipses just add some spice and surprise to these time periods.
Ancient astrologers saw eclipse seasons as especially potent time periods with regards to wars and the fate of nations. I personally prefer to look at eclipses relative to the lives and relationships of individuals. In this regard, eclipse seasons are often potent times for unexpected change in terms of surprise new beginnings and to final culminations of things which have been building for some time.
This current lunar eclipse will peak at approximately 10° Cancer and it will be in conjunction with the south node of the moon. This represents a time of culmination, release, and filtering of energy. When we are open and flexible in the face of change, this can be a rewarding time where we experience the culmination of past efforts. If we have been creating against our best interests or if we have been keeping things under the surface, this may mark a stressful time of culmination with regards to the release of our secrets or the results of our less than stellar creations. The experiences of this nature would be felt within the domain of the astrological house that encompasses the location of this eclipse at 10° Cancer. You would need to consult your own natal chart to find out where this position falls for you.
For example, this point falls in my natal 10th house which is the house covering career, reputation, achievement, and recognition. For me (and everyone else who has 10° Cancer in their 10th house) this could mark a culmination and release related to career aims and my place in the world. This eclipse includes challenging aspects to Venus, Pluto, and Mercury in my 4th house of home, security, emotions, and family as well as challenging aspects to Saturn in my 1st house of image, personality, and physical body. This may mark a time for me where I release some old ideas ingrained into me from childhood with regards to the career path I should take and in terms of what constitutes a worthy career path. I have certainly been struggling with this in my life lately and, with my parents visiting me from out of town less than a week after this eclipse, the timing may signify some stimulation of buried foundational concepts that need to be brought up for the purpose of clearing so that I can pursue my intended path with less reticence. Could be pretty intense!
My natal Venus, Mercury, Mars, and Saturn lie between 8° and 12° of their respective signs and form what is known as a Yod. A Yod is a configuration that represents work that needs to be completed in this lifetime. This Yod will be highlighted by the lunar eclipse suggesting that the themes of the eclipse may have long-range implications. For example, it would be wise for me to ensure that I release any old habits and parental influences that no longer serve me if I intend to move forward with my personal path!
In general, this eclipse falls within an opposition to Venus, Pluto, and Mercury in Capricorn so this will intensify its effects. Also, for this particular eclipse, Saturn in Libra is in a challenging aspect so this will add some sense of restructuring and change with any culmination that occurs allowing for new conditions to form but not without resistance. Whatever this leads to for you, it may feel like a massive release and lightening of a load on your shoulders but only if you are willing to make the needed adjustments.
The combination of the house location of the eclipse, its aspects to other current planets, and its aspects to the personal natal planets yields a very unique interpretation for each individual. For the best results in this case, find out where this lunar eclipse and the other planets involved fall in your natal chart. Then find any planets or personal points in your natal chart that are also aspected by these configurations.
Location of Current Lunar Eclipse Configurations
Lunar Eclipse - Moon @ 10° Cancer, Sun @ 10° Capricorn
Venus - 7° Capricorn
Pluto - 3° Capricorn
Mercury - 19° Capricorn
Saturn - 4° Libra
The effects of this eclipse could have been felt as early as the last week of December 2009 and may be felt through the upcoming spring!
For information regarding how the effects of this and the next eclipse (Jan 15, 2010) may manifest in your life email me through my website.
Happy Eclipse Season!!!
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