From May 2009 through December 2009, the outer planets Jupiter and Neptune are forming a conjunction (0°) with one another for the first time since early 1997. This is also the first conjunction of these planets in Aquarius since 1843. This pits the planet representing expansion, optimism, society, and growth (Jupiter) in cohesion with the planet representing dissolution, spirituality, wholeness, and idealism (Neptune).
Just like with the Moon’s phases, the other planetary bodies go through their own phases relative to the Earth. Like a New Moon, the start of any coupled planetary cycle begins with their conjunction (same location in the sky). As the faster planet moves away from the slower planet, eventually it comes to a 90° angle (waxing square) to it, followed by the 180° opposition (like a Full Moon), the second 90° angle (waning square), and then the cycle finishes when a new cycle between the planets is born at the next conjunction. See below for the basic outline of the process including the associated energy of each of these important climax points in the planetary cycles:
Conjunction (0°) – Birth and creation.
Waxing Square (90°) – Tension due to growth.
Oppostion (180°) – Culmination and results.
Waning Square (270°) – Tension due to decay.
The Jupiter/Neptune cycle takes approximately 13 years to complete and represents an idealistic, religious, optimistic, and inflationary cycle as the expansive energies of Jupiter combine with the universal energies of Neptune. This cycle represents things like religious movements, over-optimism, and universal ideals for example. Usually, at the start of these cycles, new universal movements are hatched. As time moves on, there is usually some tension related to those decisions that come up for review around 3+ years later when Jupiter and Neptune make their first (waxing) square to each other. Then another 3+ years pass and Jupiter makes an opposition to Neptune. This opposition is the time where the culmination or results of those ideas and of the decision making that started at the conjunction bear their fruit. Then the second (waning) square represents a time of decay and last minute decisions related to the same energies birthed at the start of the cycle.
Immediately following the last Jupiter conjunction with Neptune in the sign of Aquarius (sign of universal brotherhood and equality) in 1843, several related movements occurred. In 1844, “The Great Disappointment” occurred when the American Millerites expected the 2nd coming of Christ and were disappointed when it did not occur. Also during 1844, the “Bab” from Iran declared that he was the ‘promised one’ and had many followers until his execution in 1950. Finally, Karl Marx published the Paris Manuscripts in 1844 which would become the precursor to his Communist Manifesto a few years later in 1848.
Below is a look at the most recent conjunction in Capricorn as well as the current Jupiter/Neptune cycle in Aquarius relative to US issues and concerns, followed by a look at where we are in the current Jupiter/Neptune cycle. I also include a few tidbits of information regarding those periods in terms of the US that I will discuss later.
Most Recent Jupiter/Neptune Cycle (1997 – 2009) in Capricorn
Jupiter conjunct Neptune (January 1997)
One notable occurrence in 1997 with regards to this cycle was the expansion (Jupiter) of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) into Ukrainian nations, with no clear agenda (Neptune). A partnership was signed in Madrid that year. This time period began a cycle of universal consciousness regarding the strongest nations (Capricorn) on the planet. Also note that the Kyoto Protocol was adopted in late 1997 which required signatures (of which it never fully received, including the US) from the heaviest emitters of greenhouse gas emissions for ratification.
Jupiter waxing square to Neptune (March 2000)
In March 2000, the NATO-Ukraine Commission met for the first time in the Ukraine since the partnership was signed into existence in Madrid in 1997. Things went smoothly for all intents and purposes thus pushing the new partnership forward. This waxing square period was a time to make adjustments to that which was initiated during the conjunction period in early 1997.
Jupiter opposite Neptune (September 2002 - June 2003)
On June 4, 2003, the Foreign Ministers of the NATO-Russia Council (NRC), met in Madrid. As part of the continuous political dialogue envisioned in the Rome Declaration, Foreign Ministers exchanged views on the contributions of the NRC to Euro-Atlantic security. The results of this time were a culmination of what was birthed in 1997 and what grew and was adjusted in March 2000.
Jupiter waning square to Neptune (January 2006 - September 2006)
In July 2006, the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) assumed command of the Southern region of Afghanistan from US-led Coalition forces, further extending ISAF’s mission. NATO-ISAF had previously expanded from Kabul into 13 provinces of northern and western Afghanistan, regions in which it also commanded the military components of nine Provincial Reconstruction Teams. And NATO’s power expands…
Current Jupiter/Neptune Cycle (2009 – 2022) in Aquarius
Jupiter conjunct Neptune (May 2009 – December 2009)
By looking at when the exact conjunctions have occurred during this period (see below), it is quite convincing that the global issues on the agenda that are being seeded right now are that of global climate change and greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen occurring right now (December 2009) is sure to set the stage for this in the coming years.
Jupiter waxing square to Neptune (June 2012)
Expect an important meeting of some kind to take place around this time where the decisions from the United Nations Climate Change Conference in 2009 will be up for some kind of review. Steps to move forward with large-scale global emissions reductions will likely be evident by this point. Also, since this is 6-months before the ‘end of the Mayan Calendar’ and people are bound to be antsy, expect high tension surrounding whatever is discussed on this issue around this time. Oh, AND it’s an election year in the US. Beware of extreme groups at this time. One extreme group will see the necessity of global emissions reductions to ‘save the world’ and the other extreme group will see the dissolution of global power and control (i.e. the United Nations) as what’s needed to ‘save the world’. This will pit zealot versus zealot! It promises to be quite the shit-show…and only 30 months away! I can’t wait.
Jupiter opposite Neptune (September 2015)
After the dust settles from the world NOT ending yet again in 2012, this time period will be the culmination of the 2009 UN Climate Change Conference talks in combination with any adjustments made in June 2012. Your guess is as good as mine as far as what happens here.
Jupiter waning square to Neptune (January 2019 - September 2019)
It appears that the themes for the most recent Capricorn cycle (1997-2009) related mostly to a focus on expansion of the United Nations. The decisions to sign a partnership with Ukraine lead to expansion of the UN’s powers in 2000 with Ukraine and 2003 with Russia. In 2000 there was an opportunity to make adjustments (waxing square) with regards to this expansion. Since the expansion went beyond Ukraine and involved Russia as well in 2003, the 2000 talks acted as a spring board for further development of the agenda.
Regardless of what actually occurs during this current conjunction time period (May 2009-December 2009), the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction of which we are currently in the midst is about the birth and initiation between optimism (Jupiter) and idealism (Neptune). But it seems pretty obvious that this cycle will deal mostly with global climate change and greenhouse gas emissions reductions as seen with the exact conjunctions during this period listed below.
Jupiter/Neptune EXACT Conjunctions
May 27, 2009
The World Business Summit on Climate Change occurred from May 24-26, 2009 in Copenhagen. At this event, CEOs discussed how their firms can help solve the climate crisis through innovative business models, new partnerships, and the development of low-carbon technologies. They sent a strong message to the negotiating governments on how to remove barriers and create incentives for implementation of new solutions in a post-Kyoto framework. The result of this summit was the “Copenhagen Call”, a powerful and concise statement that sets out the elements business believes are required to forge an effective new global climate treaty.
July 10, 2009
The 35th G8 summit took place in the city of L'Aquila, Abruzzo, on July 8–10, 2009. The G8 leaders discussed a range of issues relating to climate in the context of a framework established at the 2007 United Nations Climate Change Conference held in Bali, Indonesia.
December 21, 2009
The United Nations Climate Change Conference is under way in Copenhagen from December 7-18, 2009. Significant and far-reaching decisions are being made and the stage is being set for the next 13 years of this cycle. It’s clear that global climate change and greenhouse gas emissions reductions will be large global issue during this period.
Advice for American Leaders and the People
When Jupiter and Neptune are in a conjunction it is time to embrace a new round of optimism (Jupiter) and universal ideals (Neptune). Seeds are being planted for the next round of 13 years and it’s up to us to direct the sprouts of these seeds over the coming years.
The beneficial way to approach this time period is to allow the added optimism and expansive energies to enrich our lives and open up doors. However, it is important to not overshoot the mark or to take unrealistic steps toward unattainable ends.
On a global level, note that new scientific advancements will be on their ways soon too that promise to improve the lives of many. But also beware of zealots especially in the midst of the Mayan Calendar frenzy. Unlike the last time this conjunction occurred in Aquarius in 1843, Chiron (asteroid that represents wounds and healing) is a part of the conjunction this time around. On a collective scale, this time period is also initiating healings on many levels. Also, don’t be surprised if some of those scientific discoveries during this period are related to medical advances and cures! Finally, watch for alternative approaches to healing to become more legitimate forms of health and wellness for the populace.
2010 will begin the process of unleashing all of the positive and negative potentials of this conjunction. The best advice is to trust yourself and to not let a political and/or religious zealot lead you astray (especially with Jupiter in Pisces for most of 2010). There are bound to be plenty of ‘second comings’ and other ill-intentioned movements pronounced with this energy (the 2012 saga just adds fuel to the fire). Just keep your wits and expand your possibilities!
And so it is…
Readers, if you enjoyed the content of this type of article, please check back as I will be posting articles related to other planetary cycles which are at major turning points over the next few years as well. Stay tuned! - www.myastrochris.com!!!
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