Its eclipse season again! This most recent round started off with the full moon lunar eclipse that peaked at approximately 2:13pm EST on Thursday, December 31 (New Years Eve). Now the follow up to this initial eclipse is the annular new moon solar eclipse which peaks at approximately 2:14am EST on Friday, January 15.
Eclipses usually occur two weeks apart from each other twice per year. Each series typically includes a lunar eclipse followed by a solar eclipse or vice versa. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is partially blocking the moon from the sun during a full moon. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon blocks the sun from the Earth during a new moon. Full moons and new moons represent astrologically potent time periods anyway, but the eclipses just add some amplification and usually a little dose of the unexpected!
Astrologically speaking, new moons are generally a time of sowing seeds while full moons are a time of reaping what we sow. Where a new moon falls in our personal natal chart represents a time of new beginnings and laying new foundations in the parts of our lives represented by the astrological house that is highlighted. Where a full moon falls in our personal natal chart represents a time of sudden awareness, revelation, culmination and completion in the parts of our lives represented by the astrological house that is highlighted. Eclipses just add some spice and surprise to these time periods.
Ancient astrologers saw eclipse seasons as especially potent time periods with regards to wars and the fate of nations. I personally prefer to look at eclipses relative to the lives and relationships of individuals. In this regard, eclipse seasons are often potent times for unexpected change in terms of surprise new beginnings and to final culminations of things which have been building for some time.
This particular annular solar eclipse occurs at 25° Capricorn and will be in a smooth sextile aspect to Uranus at 23° Pisces. It will also be in an almost exact conjunction with Venus in Capricorn and in a conjunction with the lunar north node. Depending on where this lands in your own personal natal chart, this eclipse is likely to lead to some type of increasing courage and allowing of energy into ones life. Its one of those ‘lets do it now’ kinds of experiences that may require adjustments in order to flow with the new directions that are presented. With Uranus in such a cooperative angle to the eclipse, any surprise developments are bound to work out for the better but not before our egos get a dose of reality first!
Also, Saturn (ruler of Capricorn) just turned retrograde on January 13th and Mercury turns direct on the day of the eclipse. This creates a kind of ‘getting serious’ energy about any potential new directions and increases the sense of wanting to move forward with it right away. This is also a great time to ‘get serious’ about any new year’s resolutions that may have been delayed to this point (Mercury retrograde over the first two weeks of 2010 may have coincided with delays in resolutions for some people).
The experiences of this nature would be felt within the domain of the astrological house that encompasses the location of this eclipse at 25° Capricorn. You would need to consult your own natal chart to find out where this position falls for you. For example, this point falls on the cusp of my natal 5th house which is the house covering creativity, romance, children, and authentic expression. For me (and everyone else who has 25° Capricorn in their 5th house) this could mark a new beginning related to a creative project or romantic involvement, for example. This eclipse includes a conjunction to Venus in my 5th house as well as a soft aspect to Uranus in my 7st house of partnership, equality, and balance. This may mark a time for me where I allow some new opportunities into my life with regards to my creative projects and the partnerships that I need to foster them. It could also be related to meeting a new romantic interest that quickly develops into something more serious in terms of a partnership (I would certainly have some internal work to do to open myself up to something like that on short notice…
My natal Sun, Moon, and Ascendant lie between 22° and 23° of Pisces and Virgo and are positively aspected by this eclipse. This may suggest some positive potential with regards to opportunities which allow me to balance my natural logic (Virgo) and intuition (Pisces). This theme of balancing logic and intuition is very strong in my life path and a creative project and/or chance meeting over the next few months may open up a door to me to authentically express this energy within me.
In general, this eclipse falls within a conjunction to Venus in Capricorn so this will soften its effects. Also, for this particular eclipse, Uranus in Pisces is in a flowing aspect so this will add some sense of sudden yet smooth change with any new beginnings that occur allowing for new conditions to form rather easily. Whatever this leads to for you, it may feel like alternative opportunities are available to you depending on where this eclipse falls in your personal natal chart.
The combination of the house location of the eclipse, its aspects to other current planets, and its aspects to the personal natal planets yields a very unique interpretation for each individual. For the best results in this case, find out where this solar eclipse and the other planets involved fall in your natal chart. Then find any planets or personal points in your natal chart that are also aspected by these configurations.
Location of Current Annular Solar Eclipse Configurations
Solar Eclipse – Sun/Moon @ 25° Capricorn
Venus – 26° Capricorn
Uranus – 23° Pisces
The effects of this eclipse may ripple out as long as a few months with initial conditions starting at or near the eclipse date (January 15, 2010).
General Advice:
Make room for new developments that may benefit you in the long run and don’t be afraid to take a new direction. This spring may offer you unique opportunities in some part of your life. If it feels right, go for it!
Good luck!
To find out where all of this is happening in your own personal natal chart and for a look at other configurations currently showing up in your chart schedule a personal consultation with me today!
Happy Eclipse Season
Thanks for sharing this, Chris. It was well written and I really enjoyed reading it.